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News - Melbourne Stem Cell Centre


Findings from British Clinical Study.

"A British clinical study has found that “stem-cell therapy may be an effective treatment for injured joints, potentially reducing the need for joint-replacement surgeries”.

The results of the study were presented at the annual congress of the International Society of Hip Arthroscopy in Cambridge, England. In the study, the first of its kind, 80 patients ranging in age from 19 to 69 were treated with hip arthroscopy combined with bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) or hip arthroscopy alone. The researchers said they found evidence for significant, maintained improvement in pain and functional scores (of about 25%) among the BMAC-treated group.

Only 2.5% of patients treated with BMAC and hip arthroscopy required subsequent surgery, compared with 10% of patients who underwent keyhole surgery alone, the researchers said.